failure 499:
Requirement failed: {gzputc.02} On success, shall return the value written
location |
trace |
/var/opt/lsb/test/olver-core/2013-01-18_15-48-05/util_compress_scenario.utz (util_compress_scenario.utt), line 3142 |
occurence |
scenario |
util_compress_scenario |
specification function |
gzputc_spec() |
parameter value |
CallContext context = [pid=8355,thr=b74596c0] |
parameter value |
VoidTPtr file = struct VoidTPtr { system=0, process=8355, address=157787496 } |
parameter value |
IntT c = 300 |
return value |
(IntT) 300 |
coverage & branch |
C The only branch |
properties |
REQ failed |
gzputc.02 |
kind |
similar known bug(s)
According to LSB, the gzputc() function shall write the single
character c, converted from integer to unsigned character.
On success, gzputc() shall return the value written, but it
returns initial argument.